Middle School Student Learns to Read

Our daughter learned to "read" in school by memorizing words. She was never able to read fluently or spell multi-syllable words. She managed to get by in the lower grades, but once she got into the upper grades her poor spelling and reading skills began to affect her school work. The doctor diagnosed her with ADHD, but it wasn't until Mrs. Ross diagnosed her with dyslexia and Irlen's Syndrome that things began to change. This made so much sense! We finally had a proper diagnosis and a treatment plan that worked. Mrs. Ross used the Barton Reading and Spelling program to treat her dyslexia. It was amazing to watch her progress from week to week. We plan to continue the program until the end so that our daughter will have all of the skills she needs to succeed in college one day.

Kristy Brennan
Rancho San Diego

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