Will Online Instruction Work for My Child?


You may have concerns about online tutoring if your child has been negatively affected by virtual education during the pandemic. Education Specialist Jeannie Ross provides the following guidelines:

1)  If your child has special learning needs, they may have failed to progress with virtual instruction from their school because the teaching method did not match their learning style. Your child may need all of the learning senses involved - visual, auditory, tactile, and gross motor, as well as music and song. At BEST San Diego Reading Tutor we provide customized reading lessons that are specifically tailored to your child's learning issues, NOT one method for everyone. This means that the Education Specialist is constantly evaluating your child's progress at every lesson and uses her vast knowledge and expertise to craft unique materials and exercises that will precisely target the skill that your child is needing to learn before they are able to advance. Results are absolutely guaranteed!

2) However, if your child has had previous issues cooperating when receiving online instruction, virtual lessons may not be a good fit. Students with attention challenges who are cooperative will find lessons engaging and enjoy earning rewards from the Education Specialist. However, a small number of students are resistant to the virtual platform and are best served by an in-person tutor. Unfortunately, Mrs. Ross is no longer available for in-person tutoring. You may email us for in-person referrals.

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